Saturday, May 5, 2012

Here We Go

This blog is for myself. Being an full-time athlete, sometimes its hard to be a normal teenager much less a Christian. All my frustrations and victories will go down right here. Let's see how far my path goes... Well today I actually had a day off! Can you believe it?? I tried to catch up on some homework, but with little success. Most of my day was spent sleeping and watching TV, which I never get to do anymore. One bad thing about my always playing sports is that I isolate myself and never hang out with my friends. My "friends" at school aren't at all athletic... its either them or the sluts, so I guess thats why I'm friends with them. I also don't have a boyfriend. I would like one, but I just don't think right now is the time. I am always busy and maybe God just doesn't think it is neccessary for me. My ankle was cleated about a week ago and it is swollen like a golf ball and (as if my feet weren't gross enough) all the fluid and blood from bruising went down to my foot. So my foot is swollen and bruised at the bottom... its very unattractive. Currently my school team is in the sweet 16 state playoffs and club practice starts up again tomorrow!

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